Sunday of the Blind Man. There is no salvation without good character. There is no salvation without courage.

Sunday of the Blind Man There is no salvation without good character. There is no salvation without courage. John 9:1-38       In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Brothers and sisters, during this Paschal season the Gospels have taught about enlightenment and the process… Continue reading Sunday of the Blind Man. There is no salvation without good character. There is no salvation without courage.

Homily:Sunday of the Blind Man. 2010. Audio.

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Questions about the Sunday of the Blind Man

A few of the questions:

Why was the man born blind? The scripture mentions two possibilities.

What is the tradition concerning the “eyes” of the man born blind?

Many of Christ’s healings recounted in the Scriptures consists of TWO healings, sometimes in a different order. What are these, in general terms? Describe these two healings of the blind man, in the order they occurred. Give at least one other example of a “double healing”.

Why were the Jews upset about the healing of the blind man? What were the stated reasons, and what were the real reasons?

The healing of the blind man shows in a striking way that God gradually illumines a soul. This event was recorded for our benefit, and together with many other events and recountings, helps us to see the diverse manner in which Christ heals and illumines a soul, and also serves as an instruction to us, who are also being gradually illumined, more or less according to our reaction to God’s grace.

The illumination of the soul has been a constant theme since Pascha. Describe at lease three other examples of this most important action of the grace of God, which the church has recently contemplated. What may these recountings teach us?

The trip of the blind man to the pool of Siloam cannot be overlooked, as it is very instructive to us. What is this trip a model for? Describe the trip, and don’t be so laconic! We must understand the difficulty of this trip, if we are to benefit from it.

Jesus said to His disciples, after they asked him about the blind man: “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” ((John 9:4)

What is the meaning?

Fifth Monday of Pascha. John 8:42-51

The Church Lectionary.
The Pedagogical services – Matins and Vespers.
On being called a Samaritan.
Fifth Monday of Pascha. John 8:42-51

On the day after we have read about Holy Equal to the Apostles, Photini, the Samaritan woman, the Gospel selection has the Jews calling the Lord a Samaritan, and demon-possessed.

They did not know what they were talking about! The proud, the jealous (a child of pride), the religious (or irreligious) elite – they never know what they are talking about. The Lord took their characterization and turned it on its head, in the parable about the Good Samaritan, where He is the Samaritan!

A few thoughts about this reading and the place it holds in the church calendar. …

The Samaritan woman teaches us what we MUST do to receive the Living Water. Audio Homily 2010.

SYNOPSIS:The story of the woman at the well, the Samaritan woman, Photini, must be understood in a historical, theological, mystical and practical context. She said "the well is deep", and this story can be discussed from many perspectives, many of which are, alas, unintelligible to most because of their low loevel of theological knowledge and… Continue reading The Samaritan woman teaches us what we MUST do to receive the Living Water. Audio Homily 2010.