Gleanings from Orthodox Christian Authors and the Holy Fathers


71 Entries

A hymn to the Merciful, praise to the Lover of man, Since He has deemed us worthy of His future grace. Come, all creation, let us entreat the One Who governs creation And conserves nature, and let us cry out to Him: Thou Who art in us and on high, and in each place, Thou Who art ineffable and yet can be addressed, Thou Who dost contain space and yet cannot be contained, Thou Who art borne on the wings of the winds, Who dost not reveal Thy footsteps to mortals, Thou Who dost control the foundation of sky, and earth and sea, Thou Who dost control the universe according to Thy will, accept our prayers: Hasten, Merciful One, and in compassion come quickly To our aid, since Thou art able to do what Thou dost will. St Romanos the Melodist - On the Three Children

As He heals the ills of all, it is not with the magic of words that He discovers those who are disobedient, But with deeds He attends to our healing, For He shakes all creation and makes the earth roar as a result of our sins. Bewailing the time of the earthquake, again as usual, Running away in forgetfulness, we gave ourselves up to every fear, And so He commanded the clouds, By no means with a view to giving showers of rain, But in order that He might arouse our sluggishness, So that He would be petitioned for Eternal life. St Romanos the Melodist - On Earthquakes and Fires

Be strong in Me; and you, too, Andrew; just as you were the first to find Me, you were found by me; so find the one who has wandered; Do not forget your first skill; from it I shall educate you for this new art. Formerly, naked into the deep sea, now naked into life; Formerly, hunting with a fishing-rod, now taught to fish with the cross; Formerly, you used a worm as bait; now I order you to hunt with My flesh. I alone know what is in the heart. St Romanos the Melodist - On the Mission of the Apostles

Be strong in Me; and you, too, Andrew; just as you were the first to find Me, you were found by me; so find the one who has wandered; Do not forget your first skill; from it I shall educate you for this new art. Formerly, naked into the deep sea, now naked into life; Formerly, hunting with a fishing-rod, now taught to fish with the cross; Formerly, you used a worm as bait; now I order you to hunt with My flesh. I alone know what is in the heart. Kontakia of St. Romanos, On the Mission of the Apostles

Brothers, we shall hymn with praise the tongues of the disciples, because, not with elegant speech, But in divine power they have revived all men. Because they took up His Cross as a reed, So that they might again use words as fishing lines and fish for the world Since they had speech as a sharp fishhook, Since the flesh of the Master of all Has become for them a bait, it has not sought to kill But it attracts to life those who worship and praise The All-Holy Spirit. St Romanos the Melodist - On Pentecost

Christ is Risen! O the marvel! the forbearance! the immeasurable meekness! The Untouched is felt; the Master is held by a servant, And He reveals His wounds to one of His inner circle. Seeing these wounds, the whole Creation was shaken at the time. Thomas, when he was considered worthy of such gifts, Lifted up a prayer to the One Who deemed him worthy, Saying, "Bear my rashness with patience, Have pity on my unworthiness and lighten the burden Of my lack of faith, so that I may sing and cry, `Thou art our Lord and God.' St Romanos the Melodist - V. 1, On Doubting Thomas

Did not the faithful Sarah, long ago, before her son Isaac was born, desire to give birth, even though she was sterile? She received the Lord in human form, along with two archangels; And His word to her on this occasion was: "You, Sarah, will have a child," Now, rejoicing, she Cries to the world: The barren woman gives birth to the Mother of God And the nurse of our life. St Romanos the Melodist - Vol. II: On the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

For every good and every perfect gift comes down from on high, From the Father of Lights," as the Gospel says. For He supports our requests, not through being forced to, but by His own will. For force and any kind of violence is hateful to Him. Indeed, He does not wish the minds of men to be constrained in these ways. He Himself, in His goodness, endures violence from them, For He rejoices then The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by the violent, So as to grant to all Eternal life. St Romanos the Melodist - Vol. II

He Who descended to earth, as He alone knew how, Rising up from it (again as He knew how), He took the ones whom He loved, and gathering them together, He led them to a high mountain In order that, when they had their minds and sensibilities on the height, They might forget all lowly things. And so, when they were led up to the Mount of Olives, They formed a circle around the Benefactor, As Luke, one of the initiates, narrates in full. (Lk. 24:50-53) The Lord, raising His hands like wings-- Just as the eagle covers the nest of young birds which she warms-- Spoke to the nestlings: "I have sheltered you from all evil Since I loved you and you loved Me. I am not separated from you; I am with you, and no one is against you. On the Ascension, from The Kontakia of Romanos, Vol. I

He as God of all gave strength to me, weak as a mortal, as He said: 'Hold out your hand and I shall give you strength.' For how would I have had the power unless the very thing happened which He said would take place? How would I have had the ability to baptize the abyss, Since I am mortal, Had I not first received and claimed power from on high? For I realize now that He is standing by me That I am greater than I was formerly. I am something different, I am changed, glorified, As I behold and baptize The unapproachable Light. St Romanos the Melodist - On the Baptism of Christ

He has lifted me to the Heavens; you He has put to flight; For the rest of time I share the throne, I am no longer subject to you. He took my body that He might make it new; He will make it immortal and cause it to share His throne. I shall reign with Him, for I have been resurrected with Him. No longer are you my master; but I rule over you. My pledge of surety is now on high, But you are trampled on below by those who cry, `Where, O Death, is your victory, or where your strength? God has destroyed your strength Through the Resurrection.' St Romanos the Melodist - On The Resurrection III

How great and of what kind is the mourning of the condemned in the hour of judgment (And indeed I have been set down as chief of the condemned). When they see the Judge seated, fearful and exalted on His throne, And when they behold the lines of the righteous and the saints shining in joy And the sinners in dejection and eternal punishment, They will cry out and show vain penitence. Would that in the world we might show the fruit of repentance And find the grace of mercy and forgiveness, O most just Judge. St Romanos the Melodist - On the Second Coming

I know Thee, Savior, as Deliverer, changing the decision about all my ills. Erase my sins, underwrite my remission from sin, bring me amnesty; Engrave my decree, and free me. Thou hast become, O Lord, my King and my God, Thou who dost will that all men be saved. A Prayer, The Kontakia of Romanos, Vol. II

In considering the tomb and those in the tomb, we weep, But we should not; for we do not know whence they have come, And where they are now, and who has them. They have come from temporal life, released from its sorrows; They are at peace, waiting for the receiving of divine light. The Lover of man has them in His charge, and He has divested them of their temporal clothing In order that He may clothe them with an eternal body. Why, then, do we weep in vain? Why do we not trust Christ, as He cries: "He who believes on me shall not perish, For even if he knows corruption, after that corruption, He will be resurrected and he will rise up Saying, 'Thou art the Life and the Resurrection'"? St Romanos the Melodist - On the Raising of Lazarus I

In order that He might bring an end to the mourning of Martha, the Savior of all spoke to her and addressed these divine words to her: "I exist as the light of the world and the resurrection of all from the dead; He who believes on Me shall never die; It was for this end that I appeared to resurrect Adam and the descendants of Adam And on the fourth day to resurrect Lazarus taking pity, as a Merciful One, on The rears of Mary and Martha." The Kontakia of Romanos, On the Raising of Lazarus II

Jesus Christ arose them, as from a sleep; He violently bound the hands of Hades, Crying to those in Hades, "Rise up, and mock Hades, crying out to him, And saying`Where is your victory?' As for him, I shall hand him over to chains in Tartarus, Since I have freed Adam entirely from the debts for which he was liable. And treading on his neck, cry out, `Now Hades is consumed Along with Death, and he has cast down his power.' For it is for you that I appeared on earth and became man, I Who have destroyed the weapons of Belial, the victory of Hades, and the sting of Death." St Romanos the Melodist - On the Resurrection V

Joseph has a fine crown because he struggled According to the rules of temperance. For in guarding his love of chastity, he preferred to be stripped of his outer cloak And as crowned victor receive a marvelous glory. The Egyptian woman attacked him as a terrible fox attacks the vine, Hoping to harvest all the grapes But taking possession only of the leaves. On high the angels rejoiced with Joseph, the virtuous; Down below the demons lamented with the unrighteous woman. He abandoned his cloak In order to keep his sense of innocence unsullied. The raving woman clothed herself with shame, And indecently divested herself of modesty, The wise man is honored with deserved glory, Since he fled from great sin Because the eye that never sleeps observes all things. St Romanos the Melodist - On Joseph II

Joseph was amazed as he saw what was supernatural. He understood, O Virgin, the rain upon the fleece In thy conception without seed. And he understood the bush that burned without fire and was unconsumed, And Aaron's rod, which blossomed. Indeed, thy betrothed and guardian cried out to the priests: "A virgin gives birth, and after the birth remains a virgin. The Kontakia of Romanos, Vol. II, On the Annunciation II

Let those of us who have wisely finished the course of fasting And who celebrate with love the beginning of the suffering of the Passion of the Lord, Let us all, my brothers, zealously imitate the purity of self-controlled Joseph; Let us fear the sterility of the fig tree; Let us dry up through almsgiving the sweetness of passion. In order that we may joyously anticipate the Resurrection, Let us procure like myrrh pardon from on high Because the Eye that never sleeps observes all things.

O Savior, consider those of us who have appeared at the season Of Thy passion, worthy to worship also Thy Resurrection, O Eye that does not sleep. St Romanos the Melodist - Vol. I, On Joseph II

Let those of us who have wisely finished the course of fasting And who celebrate with love the beginning of the suffering of the Passion of the Lord, Let us all, my brothers, zealously imitate the purity of self-controlled Joseph; Let us fear the sterility of the fig tree; Let us dry up through almsgiving the sweetness of passion. In order that we may joyously anticipate the Resurrection, Let us procure like myrrh pardon from on high Because the eye that never sleeps observes all things. St Romanos the Melodist - On Joseph II, Prooimion II

Lo, our King, meek and gentle, seated upon an ass With haste hurries to suffer and to cut suffering -- The Word upon the dumb, willing it that rational beings be redeemed. And it was possible to behold the One on the back of the ass Who is on the shoulders of the Cherubim, The One Who once translated Elijah in a fiery chariot, The One Who is poor of His own will, but rich in His nature, The One Who is voluntarily weak, yet granting power To all of those who cry out to Him: "Thou art the blessed One Who comes to call up Adam." St Romanos the Melodist - Vol. II, On the Entry into Jerusalem

Lo, the day has dawned which I longed to see, A time favorable for me. My God is lodged in the house of Simon, I shall hasten to him and weep, just as Anna did about her sterility. Simon may consider me drunk, Just as Elias then considered Anna. I shall keep on praying And saying, `Lord, I do not ask for a child. I seek my very own soul which I have lost! O Emmanuel, born of a Virgin, just as Thou has removed the stigma of sterility when Samuel was born Of the childless woman, so deliver me, a harlot From the slime of my deeds.' St Romanos the Melodist - On the Sinful Woman

Lo, the day has dawned which I longed to see, A time favorable for me. My God is lodged in the house of Simon. I shall hasten to Him and weep, just as Anna did about her sterility. Simon may consider me drunk, Just as Elias then considered Anna. I shall keep on praying And saying, 'Lord, I do not ask for a child. I seek my very own soul which I have lost! O Emmanuel, born of a virgin, just as Thou hast removed the stigma of sterility when Samuel was born Of the childless woman, so deliver me, a harlot, From the slime of my deeds'." St Romanos the Melodist - Vol. I, On the Sinful Woman (On Wednesday of the Great and Holy Week, we commemorate the sinful woman who anointed the feet of the Saviour with myrrh and wiped them with her hair.)

Long ago, the wily one cast his weapon and wounded Adam and killed him; Indeed, he completely destroyed the weak man. But now, even if he struck the bodies of the noble men, he did not destroy their spirits. He persuaded the first-created man to fall by words, but not even by deeds, the noble ones. Bewitching the former, he made promises; he made offers to the latter: For Adam, the making of a god; for the martyrs, honor. He offers what he does not have; he suggests bestowing things not in his authority. Therefore, saints, having shattered his scheme, You gained crowns. Kontakia of Romanos

Long ago, the wily one cast his weapon and wounded Adam and killed him; Indeed, he completely destroyed the weak man. But now, even if he struck the bodies of the noble men, he did not destroy their spirits. He persuaded the first-created man to fall by words, but not even by deeds, the noble ones. Bewitching the former, he made promises; he made offers to the latter: For Adam, the making of a god; for the martyrs, honor. He offers what he does not have; he suggests bestowing things not in his authority. Therefore, saints, having shattered his scheme, You gained crowns. St Romanos the Melodist - On the Forty Martyrs of Sebasteia I

Many times, weeping conquers God, if one can say that; and He is truly overcome. For gladly is the Merciful One constrained by tears -- But tears of the spirit And not those caused by afflictions of the body. Indeed, we weep for the dead, and we cry out over blows, For the flesh is clay and is subject to never-ending flow of tears. Let us, then, lament from our hearts In the way in which the Ninevites in their contrition opened Heaven And were heeded by the Savior. Indeed, He received their repentance. St Romanos the Melodist - V. II, "On Repentance"

My soul, now we observe these things. There are doors; let my soul not be at the doors; Let it be ready and at hand. It leaves nothing behind, Just as Christ said. As He foretold, all things will happen Famines and pestilence, And continuous earthquakes, And tribe upon tribe will be raised up. Fearful things within and without, Full of battles. It is not possible to be saved anywhere, For everywhere there is danger. Nowhere is there a refuge; there is flight by all men. The gate has been closed, Mercy has been sealed; For we were not chosen To be within the bridal chamber, we are Crying, 'Open.' St Romanos the Melodist - On the Ten Virgins II

Nets and snares were fashioned, then, For the young fawn of the Virgin and Mother of God, But the trap was broken and the fawn escaped, tearing the snare.

With His mother, like a blameless deer, He fled Into Egypt, as Micah once said. O Thou Who art everywhere and Who rulest over all, where dost Thou flee?

Where dost Thou lead? In what city Shalt Thou make Thy dwelling? What house will contain Thee, what place will support Thee? No part of creation anywhere is invisible to Thy sight, But all things are laid bare to Thee, Thou art the Maker of All, O Christ. Why, then, dost Thou flee, Holy One? Because of Thee, Herod mourns as he weeps That his power will soon be destroyed. St Romanos the Melodist - On the Massacre of the Innocents (Flight into Egypt).

O Savior of all men, especially of those who have faith, Because Thou wast crucified of Thy own will, and was put to death voluntarily, The lawless say not of their will Were the limbs of the robbers broken; But Thine, they did not break, in order that they might learn That Thou didst not come among the dead against Thy will, But willingly Thou didst give up Thy spirit, Thou Who art everywhere and fillest all things. St Romanos the Melodist - On the Crucifixion

O Savior of all men, especially of those who have faith, Because Thou wast crucified of Thy own will, and was put to death voluntarily, The lawless say not of their will Were the limbs of the robbers broken; But Thine, they did not break, in order that they might learn That Thou didst not come among the dead against Thy will, But willingly Thou didst give up Thy spirit, Thou Who art everywhere and fillest all things. St Romanos the Melodist - Vol. I, On the Crucifixion

O brothers, let us love the Bridegroom, Let us make ready our lamps, Shining out with brightness and true faith, So that, like the wise virgins at the Lord's coming, We may arrive with Him at the marriage, For He, the Merciful, since He is God, Offers to all as a gift The incorruptible crown!

Thou, O God, the Bridegroom of salvation, the hope of those who hymn Thee, Grant to us who pray to Thee That we find, without stain, in Thy marriage, Just like the virgins The incorruptible crown. St Romanos the Melodist - Vol. II, On the Ten Virgins I

O my disciples, on high over you, As God and Maker of the whole world, I stretch out My hands, hands which the lawless stretched, bound, and nailed down. Do you, then, place your heads under my hands; Understand and know, friends, what I am bringing to pass. For just as though baptizing you, I place My hands on you now, And blessing you, I send you forth Enlightened and made wise. On your heads, praise and beauty, On your spirits, a shining glory, as is written. For I pour out on you from My own Spirit, and you will be accepted by Me, Instructed and chosen, trusted members of the inner circle. I am not separated from you; I am with you, and no one is against you. St Romanos the Melodist - On the Ascension

O the marvel! the forbearance! the immeasurable meekness! The Untouched is felt; the Master is held by a servant, And He reveals His wounds to one of His inner circle. Seeing these wounds, the whole Creation was shaken at the time. Thomas, when he was considered worthy of such gifts, Lifted up a prayer to the One Who deemed him worthy, Saying, "Bear my rashness with patience, Have pity on my unworthiness and lighten the burden Of my lack of faith, so that I may sing and cry, `Thou art our Lord and God.' St Romanos the Melodist - V. 1, On Doubting Thomas

O the marvel! the forbearance! the immeasurable meekness! The Untouched is felt; the Master is held by a servant, And He reveals His wounds to one of His inner circle. Seeing these wounds, the whole Creation was shaken at the time. Thomas, when he was considered worthy of such gifts, Lifted up a prayer to the One Who deemed him worthy, Saying, "Bear my rashness with patience, Have pity on my unworthiness and lighten the burden Of my lack of faith, so that I may sing and cry, `Thou art our Lord and God.'" St Romanos the Melodist - V. 1, On Doubting Thomas

O the marvel! the forbearance! the immeasurable meekness! The Untouched is felt; the Master is held by a servant, And He reveals His wounds to one of His inner circle. Seeing these wounds, the whole Creation was shaken at the time. Thomas, when he was considered worthy of such gifts, Lifted up a prayer to the One Who deemed him worthy, Saying, "Bear with my rashness with patience, Have pity on my unworthiness and lighten the burden Of my lack of faith, so that I may sing and cry, 'Thou art our Lord and God.' St Romanos the Melodist - On Doubting Thomas

On the Forty Martyrs of Sebasteia

O holy martyrs, you were not frightened By the supple sword because you took courage In the fire of divinity, which you had put on. Because you had met with frost and cold And endured lightning flashes from on high, You gained crowns.

Casting aside all the armor of the flesh, You advanced, naked, into the midst of the lake. Tortured by cold, yet warmed by faith, You passed through fire and water, Worthily victorious; in the sight of God You gained crowns.

Holy ones who did not fear the supple sword, When you were willingly cast into the icy lake, You were nobly patient under the whips of the tyrants. Now the powers of Heaven rejoice, And the race of men is happy and delighted because You gained crowns. The Kontakia of Romanos, V. II

Only Thy word drew the saints to Thee, O Lord, For Thou didst say, "He who wishes to follow Me will desert kinsmen and parents." Eagerly they said farewell to all and, deprived of these things, followed Thee, The straight road and the spring of life, As they trust in Thy unhesitating purpose, O All-Merciful. Kontakia of Romanos. On All Martyrs

Overcome by love, He came into the world to seek His creature who had wandered. Without beginning, and Ineffable, Son of God and our God, Wisely and with divine providence, as a God, He makes the search. He is made flesh from his mother whom He cleansed (as though swept clean) and sanctified; And He offers His body as a lamp to the fire and oil Of His divinity which illumines all. For fire and clay always make light. Thus from His divinity and Incarnation, Christ Shed the light of the Lamp -- The Life and Resurrection. The Kontakia of Romanos, On the Resurrection IV

Since Thou hast become life and resurrection for all men through Thy goodness, Release me from this life. Thou Who art immortal, and send me away from this life, which is mortal: Give my body over to mortal death, as with all Thy friends, But grant me, Merciful One, life spiritual and eternal. Since I have seen Thee in the flesh, and have been deemed worthy to hold Thee, I behold Thy glory along with Thy Father and the Holy Spirit, For Thou hast at the same time, remained on high, and come here below, Thou, the only Friend of man. St Romanos the Melodist - On the Presentation in the Temple

Since Thou hast become life and resurrection for all men through Thy goodness, Release me from this life. Thou Who art immortal, send me away from this life which is mortal: Give my body over to mortal death, as with all Thy friends, But grant me, Merciful One, life spiritual and eternal. Since I have seen Thee in the flesh, and have been deemed worthy to hold Thee, I behold Thy glory along with Thy Father and the Holy Spirit, For Thou hast at the same time, remained on high, and come here below, Thou, the only Friend of man. St Romanos the Melodist - On the Presentation in the Temple

Suddenly sorrow has been changed to joy, And all has become joyous and a cause for rejoicing; I do not hesitate to say, 'I have been glorified as Moses,' For I have seen, I have seen -- not on the mountain but in the tomb, Not concealed by a cloud, but by flesh, The Lord of the Immortals and of the clouds, Lord of old, now and forever; And He said, 'Mary, hasten and tell Those who love Me that I have arisen; Take Me on your tongue, like a branch of the olive To the descendants of Noah; announce the good news, Pointing out to them that death is destroyed and that He has arisen, He Who offers resurrection to the fallen..' The Kontakia of Romanos, On the Resurrection VI

Summoned by the faith of the women, He came, He Who of His own free will became physician of soul and body, And immediately He spoke to His friends: "Arise; let us go into Judaea where we were once; For I have received a letter which I read with pleasure For faith has dictated it and infallible hope wrote it, And love sealed it. Why should I keep from you what has happened? Mary and Martha With faith pray to Me on behalf of Lazarus, Since he is now ill. If I go to him now He will be resurrected, and he will rise up Saying, 'Thou art the Life and the Resurrection'. St Romanos the Melodist - On the Raising of Lazarus I

Taking a commendable courage from the voice of the angel, The women wisely answered as follows: "Truly the Lord is risen, as you say; You have proved to us by your words and by your attitude That the Merciful One has risen; For if He had not raised up and departed from the tomb, you yourself would not be seated. For when would a soldier of the king Be seated and conversing if the king were present? Indeed if such things are not in order on earth, Certainly they are not done on high Where there is the invisible throne, and the Ineffable One is seated, He Who offers resurrection to the fallen." St Romanos the Melodist - On the Resurrection VI

The Leader gathered together the lambs whom fear had scattered at the time of the crucifixion after the resurrection, And standing on the mountain top, He sang a sweet song, giving courage to the flock, A bit as though speaking with hints for timid men, He said: "Be of good courage, I alone have conquered the world, I alone have scattered the wolves, no one was with me; I was the one, the only one, Who alone knows what is in the heart." The Kontakia of Romanos, Vol. I: On the Mission of the Apostles

The Most High planted in the middle of Paradise The thrice blessed wood, the gift of life for us, In order that, in approaching it, Adam might find eternal and immortal life, But he did not strive earnestly to know this life, And he failed to attain it, and revealed death. However, the robber, seeing how the plant in Eden Had been beautifully transplanted in Golgotha, Recognized the life in it and said to himself: `This is what my father lost formerly In Paradise.' St Romanos the Melodist - On the Adoration at the Cross

The Most High planted in the middle of Paradise The thrice blessed wood, the gift of life for us, In order that, in approaching it, Adam might find eternal and immortal life; But he did not strive earnestly to know this life, And he failed to attain it, and revealed death. However, the robber, seeing how the plant in Eden Had been beautifully transplanted in Golgotha, Recognized the life in it and said to himself: "This is what my father lost formerly In Paradise. St Romanos the Melodist - Vol. I

The Virgin today gives birth to the superessential One, And the earth proffers the cave to the unapproachable One. Angels with the shepherds sing song of praise; The Magi, with the star to guide pursue their way. For us there has been born, A newborn babe, the God before time. Romanos the Melodist(Kontakia on the Person of Christ: On the Nativity I)

The birthday feast of Herod appeared wicked to everyone, Since, in the midst of the banqueters, the head of the Faster` Was brought in as a dish of food. Grief was mixed with joy, and bitter wailing was joined with laughter When the platter bearing the head of the Baptist Came into the sight of all, as the child had asked. And because of their wantonness, lamentation fell on all Of those dining at that time with the king; For this gave no pleasure to them nor to Herod himself; For it is written that he was sorry, but not with genuine grief But a false and temporary one. The Beheading of John the Baptist, from The Kontakia of Romanos, Vol. II

The rich man, who was being condemned for the enormity of his sins, Probably thought: 'I have sinned greatly, But what is the reason For my being roasted here in the fire without any pity?' When the Lord, Who knows all, hears these words, He revealed to the sinner the cause of his punishment. For while he was in Hades he looked on high, And he saw Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham. Then he recognized the man who formerly was poor, and was amazed as he saw The one whom he scorned on earth, while he enjoyed himself and did not cry: 'Have pity, Lord.' St Romanos the Melodist - On Dives and Lazarus

The thrice-accursed day of his wretched birth was coming to a close for the lawless one, a day that Job himself cursed as he spoke, Just as Zaccharias mentioned: "That day will be darkness and not light." And if this was said about the day Because the light for those in darkness was on the cross, Still it was appropriate for Herod's day, Since on that day a friend of the light was slain. Indeed, he who slew him is not; but he who was slain is, And after death he speaks and draws all men to life, Which is everlasting and not temporary. Kontakia of Romanos: On the Beheading of John the Baptist

The undefiled beauty of fasting is the pure mother of character. It causes philosophy to gush forth, and offers a crown. It negotiates Paradise for us And grants a paternal family for those who fast. Of this Adam was deprived, and he attracted death When he dishonored the worth of feasting. For at the time when it was treated scornfully, The God of all, the Creator and the Master was at once displeased. To those who honor it He grants eternal life. Kontakia of Romanos. On Fasting

The vine which produced the unfertilized fruit carried It as though in the encircling arms of the branches, and said: 'Thou, my fruit, my life, By Whom I am known as I am and was. Thou art my God. As I behold the seal of my virginity unbroken, I proclaim Thee the immutable Word become flesh. I know no seed; I know Thee as one who delivers from corruption; For I am pure after having Thee as issue from me; For Thou hast left my womb as Thou hast found it; Thou hast kept it safe. For this reason the whole creation rejoices with me, crying: Mary, full of grace.' The Kontakia of Romanos, On the Nativity II

The wicked one, on the watch, carried me off as booty as I lazily slept. He led my mind into error; he plundered my spirit and snatched away The wealth of Thy grace, this arch robber. So raise me up, as I am fallen, and summon me, Saviour, Thou who dost will that all men be saved. St Romanos the Melodist - A Prayer

The wicked one, on the watch, carried me off as booty as I lazily slept. He led my mind into error; he plundered my spirit and snatched away The wealth of Thy grace, this arch robber. So raise me up, as I am fallen, and summon me, Saviour, Thou who dost will that all men be saved. Kontakia of St. Romanos, A Prayer

The women, with mingled joy and fear, rejoicing and sorrow, Turned away from the tomb, as the Bible teaches, To meet the apostles; and they said: "Why are you disheartened? Why do you hide your faces? Lift up your hearts, Christ is risen; Form choruses and say along with us: `The Lord is risen.' He has shone forth, He Who was created before the dawn; So not be downcast, but take courage; Spring has appeared; come to bloom, ye branches, Producing fruit and not misery. He Who offers resurrection to the fallen.' St Romanos the Melodist - On The Resurrection VI

The women, with mingled joy and fear, rejoicing and sorrow, Turned away from the tomb, as the Bible teaches, To meet the apostles; and they said: "Why are you disheartened? Why do you hide your faces? Lift up your hearts, Christ is risen; Form choruses and say along with us: `The Lord is risen.' He has shone forth, He Who was created before the dawn; So not be downcast, but take courage; Spring has appeared; come to bloom, ye branches, Producing fruit and not misery. Let us all clap our hands and say: `He has returned to life, He Who offers resurrection to the fallen.' St Romanos the Melodist - On The Resurrection VI

The word of Paul urges me to persevere in prayer to Thee and to await Thee Taking confidence, then, I pray, for I am sure of Thy mercies. I pray that Thou mayest first draw night to me and summon me to claim me as Thine, And that Thou dost tarry to give the reward of persistence, Thou Who dost will that all men be saved. A Prayer, in Kontakia of Romanos, Vol. II

They have assembled from every city, and they have become our compatriots. They have come home from the whole world, and they join with us in inviting the world As participants of a high festival. Creation below rejoices with that above, For the angels cry out with us: "Truly Thou art wonderful among Thy saints, O All-Merciful." St Romanos the Melodist - Vol. II, On All Martyrs

Thou art without beginning and without end, Creator and God of truth, Who hast caused death to Death and hast made man immortal, In the last hour, when Thou dost come to resurrect me, For Thou wilt come, my Savior, not as now from the tomb, but from the firmament; Then, seeing Thee, I rise up, O Lover of men, for loving Thee, I possess Thee. Do not then condemn me, I pray, so that I may say, "Not for my punishment, but to redeem me The Lord is risen." St Romanos the Melodist - On the Resurrection II

Thou hast become the Son of Mary, O Son of God, our Savior, And Thou hast been nailed to the cross, thought Thou art God incarnate, In order that Thou might save those in affliction; And take pity on sinners, since Thou art powerful and good; Grant slumber to all those who put their hope in Thee; They hope to serve Thee zealously in psalms and prayers. With the robber we cry out to Thee as though we were on the cross, 'Remember us in Thy kingdom.' Consider all of us worthy of Thy choir of saints, O Christ, Since we have taken the seal of Thy cross for unity In Paradise. St Romanos the Melodist - On the Adoration at the Cross

Thou hast shown Thy strength in choosing the humble, for it was a sing of poverty For Thee to sit on the ass; but as Glorious, Thou dost shake Zion. The cloaks of the disciples pointed to frugality; But the song of the children and the throng of people was a sing of Thy strength, As they cry out, "Hosanna in the highest," that, Save! Thou Who art on high, save the humbled; Heeding the palm branches, take pity on us, Look upon those who cry out: "Thou art the blessed One Who comest to call up Adam." St Romanos the Melodist - On The Entry into Jerusalem

Thou, O Savior, didst come forth unbegotten From the Virgin's womb, leaving her virginity unsullied; Just so now Thou hast abolished Death in death. Thou hast left in the tomb the fine linen of Joseph, But Thou hast raised from the tomb the ancestor of Joseph; For Adam came following Thee; Eve came after Thee, Eve serves Mary, But all the earth is prostrate before Thee as it sings the song of victory "The Lord is risen." St Romanos the Melodist - On the Resurrection I

Thou, O Saviour, didst come forth unbegotten From the Virgin's womb, leaving her virginity unsullied; Just so now Thou has abolished Death in death. Thou has left in the tomb the fine linen of Joseph, But Thou has raised from the tomb the ancestor of Joseph; For Adam came following Thee; Eve came after Thee, Eve serves Mary, But all the earth is prostrate before Thee as it sings the song of victory: The Lord is Risen! St Romanos the Melodist - On the Resurrection I

What I see I am not able to understand, for it passes human understanding. How is the bush that endures fire not consumed? How does the lamb endure the lion, or the swallow the eagle, and the servant his Master? In mortal womb, in a manner uncircumscribed, Mary bears my Savior as He wills it, So that every man may proclaim "A virgin gives birth, and after the birth remains a virgin." St Romanos the Melodist - On the Annunciation II

What is this banquet hall? First, let us find out From the Gospels in order that we may share the joy; So I shall call the parable to mind. He was at first stripped from any grace, For he had squandered all his substance, And he runs to his father with many tears, crying: "Father, I have sinned." Then, He Who beholds all, saw him and hurried To meet him and embraced him, Throwing His arms around his neck, For He is the God of those who repent. So, in His mercy, He took pity in His son who has fallen. He is the Lord and Savior of the ages. On the Prodigal Son, The Kontakia of Romanos, Vol. II

Whatever we know, this we reveal to you; for if we were to keep silent now, The stones would cry out and refute our hardness and our blindness. For we do not know that very hour of the resurrections; But we know what we have endured since that hour; just hold on and listen, As we were watching over the tomb and taking care lest something happen, suddenly we perceive Fiery hands which take away the stone from the tomb, and a voice cries out this 'The Lord is risen." St Romanos the Melodist - On the Resurrection II

When He Who sees [all] observed the reasoning of the wise woman And the faith of her heart, straightway He answered The woman: "The One Whom you call 'Messiah," Whom the prophets Prophesied would come at this time, you see and even hear His voice. I am the One, I Whom you see, and Whom you hold in the center of your heart. Loving you, I have come to attract you to Me and to save you. Now announce this to all those who wish to be saved in the city of Sichar, To your relatives and fellow citizens; and all come together Who are filled with Exceeding great joy and redemption. St Romanos the Melodist - Vol. 1, On the Woman of Samaria

When the first creature was shut out from Paradise, An order was given to the Cherubim to guard the road; But take My cross On your shoulders, and thus go into Eden with haste. If the sword of the Cherubim did not see you wearing the title rights of the inscription, The sword of flame which stands guard would consume you But, taking the inscription of My cross, robber, Walk up to the Cherubim, And they will know the symbol of life and they will give into your hands The power to open and to lead My friends Into Paradise. The Kontakia of Romanos, On the Adoration at the Cross

You were not worthy of having what you possess and what you keep Through the grace of the giver. Do not hesitate, then, to distribute To those who ask, just as the woman of Samaria once shared. For having drawn from the well by herself, she shared with others what she received. No one asked her, and yet she gave to all ungrudgingly of her free gift. She thirsts, yet gives lavishly, not drinking, she gives to drink. When she has not yet tasted, still as one who is drunk, she cries out to those of her race: "Come, I have found a spring; is not this the One who furnishes Exceeding great joy and redemption? St Romanos the Melodist - Vol. 1, On the Woman of Samaria

`O mystery brought about on earth!' After the birth Anna prayed To our God and Maker Who knows all in advance `Thou hast heard me, O Lord, as Thou hast heard Hannah who was accused by Eli of being drunk. She promised Samuel after his birth to the Lord To become a priest. Just as formerly, Thou hast given me, too, a gift, The barren woman gives birth to the Mother of God, And the nurse of our life. St Romanos the Melodist - Vol. 2, On the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

I send forth one word for all so that I may not weary you in teaching you one by one. Once and for all I say to My saints Go forth into all the world; teach races and kingdoms; For all things have been given Me by My Father, Things on earth and in Heaven over which I was in change before I assumed flesh. And now I have become King of all, and I have you as my sacred senate. I Who alone know what is in the heart. St Romanos the Melodist - On the Mission of the Apostles.

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